Events & Workshops

March Workshop
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Stephanie Keenan will teach the disappearing hourglass.
Contact the RRQ registrar, Maureen, at saunierm21@gmail.com to sign up. The cost is $30.00.
March Meeting
Sunday, March 2, 2025, 2- 4 PM Poricy Park Nature Center
Our program is the Ugly Fabric Throwdown. Members will bring one yard of an ugly fabric and a pair of snips. We will break out into circles of seven, cut our fabric in half, throw down one half and pass the other half to the member on our right. We will do this with all seven fabrics; then take our thrown down fabrics home and make a small quilt. More details will be forthcoming, but cash prizes are involved.​
April Meeting
Sunday, April 6, 2025, 2- 4 PM Poricy Park Nature Center
Back by popular demand! The UFO Contract!!!
The plan is the same as last year. Each member will choose one UFO from
her collection, bring it to the meeting, tell us about it, assign a value, and sign a contract agreeing to complete the UFO in six months.
Members will bring their completed UFOs to the October meeting. If a member completes her UFO, she will receive a certificate of completion. If anyone breaks the contract and doesn’t complete her UFO, she will pay the value she established for said UFO.
Any money we receive will be donated to Lunch Break. Any member who completes her UFO and brings it to the October meeting will be entered into a drawing for $50.00. ​

May Workshop
Saturday, May 3, 2025, 9 AM- 3 PM
Maria will teach this workshop making the Strips and Salsa quilt. This is a fun quilt made with strips from your stash or a jelly roll.
Pattern is required. Minimum of five students required by April 4th or class will be cancelled.
Contact the RRQ registrar, Maureen, at saunierm21@gmail.com to sign up.
Cost is $45.00 for members or $55.00 for nonmembers.
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